Best places for photos in Tampa

How to pick the best location for your Tampa area photoshoot?

It still feels a lot like summer in Florida, but the Autumn Equinox is upon us, which means it is almost Fall! My favorite time of year and family photoshoot season!

Chances are, you have already booked the date for your photo session and are wondering which setting would be the best for your photos.

Tampa has a variety of outdoor locations. I want to share with you some ideas and tips to pick your location.

Here are a few things to consider when deciding on the best location for your photography session in Tampa or any city.

  1. What does your family like to do for fun? How do you all like to spend your time? Make sure you are choosing a location that will best suit your family’s personality.

  2. Consider the ages of your children. If you have super young kiddos an urban location may not be a great choice because you don't want to have to worry about cars and other people to distract your little one. Perhaps an open field or park may be the best location. 

  3. Take into account the season your session is scheduled for. For example, if it is going to be warm on your session date, going to the beach and letting the kids get their feet wet might be super fun! 

  4. Let's talk about traffic. We book our sessions during the gorgeous light of golden hour, which may mean commuting during rush hour depending on the season. We don't want you feeling rushed and stressed out about commuting across town. That won't make anyone excited for family photos. So make sure to choose a location that will be easy to get to at your scheduled session time. 

Here are the different types of locations Tampa has to offer for family photography:

  1. Urban areas in downtown Tampa and Dunedin, for example.

2. The beach! We have an abundance of beaches. There are a few beaches that also have parks with grass and trees for a variety of images in your session.

3. In the woods. There are a few county and state parks in the area. If your family likes spending time in the woods or hiking trails, this might be a great location for your family photo session!

4. Park. Tampa has some beautiful parks that make for a beautiful backdrop.

5. Open Field. I love an open field for little ones to explore. I am always on the look out for a beautiful new field for family photography sessions.

6. Lakes. The beach is not the only water front Tampa has to offer. Lakes offer the beauty of water as well as trees to add visual interest to your family photos.

Here are some ideas and things to consider for picking the best location for your photoshoot in Tampa. Do you have ideas for a location not mentioned here? Send me an email! I would love to chat about it!


What to wear for my photoshoot


Tampa Family Photographer