Tampa Family Photographer

Hi there! I am Tina. I am a Tampa native. I grew up loving photography. I remember saving up all of my birthday and allowance money to buy a Vivitar camera when I was in the 6th grade. I was so excited! I loved taking pictures of my little siblings, parents, family members, and friends. Fast forward to high school. I took a photography course as an elective and was able to learn more about film photography and developing photos in a dark room.


After high school and college, I have had Canon point and shoot cameras, a Fuji waterproof camera for those fun times at the beach, pool, or an outdoor concert (you know, because of the high chance of rain in Florida). For personal photos, I had been primarily been using my iPhone camera to capture life’s moments. While the iPhone camera can take nice pictures, the images do not match the quality of a professional camera, which I was yearning for.


Then entered a used mid-level DSLR camera to rekindle the artistic fire I had for photography. I have taken many photography courses (and continue to take courses online because of COVID-19), listened to podcasts, and studied online to learn composition, light, and how to optimize camera settings for high quality, beautiful images. I have been photographing families, friends, babies, and even pets ever since. I even had the opportunity to capture some lovely images for a sweet friend’s wedding.


I have a passion for capturing genuine connection and emotion in photographs. I want to create artistic images of families and for those families to proudly display in their homes and cherish for years to come.

I hope I have the honor of photographing your family one day!

xx, Tina


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